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К списку Poles Apart

Taken apart by the sea and the land,
We are far from each other,
Although we both can pretend...
And sometimes I wonder,
Did you forget all those wonderful days,
The granite embankment,
The feeling of holding my hand,
Long winter nights,
When we shared attention and love,
The last moment you saw me,
Can you believe it is gone?
Now i'm looking at them,
Some pictures you kept just for me, -
They might get old and then disappear,
Who cares, my hope will eternally live!
Years will pass, but it still warms my heart
And makes me feel little bit better
When I'm desperate, feeling like falling apart.
So now I know - there's somebody's soul, crossed with mine;
I guess it is yours, no, I'm sure it's yours,
Otherwise why would I write all these rhymes?

12 апреля, 2000
Хостинг от uCoz