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К списку Limited Freedom

Standing alone in the middle of hell,
Searching for entrance to silent farewell,
Thoughts are too heavy, but stay in my head,
And this hunger in soul will never be fed.

Rainbows are burning,
Stones fill the heart,
Clouds have fallen,
Skin is too hard.
Still trying to break it,
Still trying to fight,
To ease up these ropes,
But they hold me tight.

I wake him again, put a mask on my face;
He's showing his treasure and simply I ask
To shut the diamond windows - it's getting cold,
Then I dive in the depths of his unreal world.

I'm at the beach, I'm walking on sand,
An orange of sun melts in my hands,
But seconds of silence - it's never enough
To understand bleeding marks
That I have on my mind,

Rainbows are burning,
Stones fill the heart,
Clouds have fallen,
Skin is too hard.
Still trying to break it,
Still trying to fight,
To ease up these ropes,
But they hold me tight.
What if I wouldn't listen to him?
Fake my emotions?
Poison sweet dreams?
How would I live without a pain
Followed by pleasure,
Eternity, vain?
This is collapsing ceiling of fate
Breaking through floors, but I think this is great;
Don't care anymore if I live or I'm dead,
'Cause thoughts are too heavy to stay in my head.

He's there, inside, rotting in snow,
Repeating the rhymes that he wants me to know:

Your rainbows still burn,
And stones fill your heart,
Your clouds still fall,
Your skin's torn apart,
So don't try to break it,
Don't try to fight:
My ropes will be strong,
There's no place to hide.

11 ноября, 2000
Редактировано: 14 августа, 2002
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